Monday 7 April 2014

Predicting helps our understanding...

We are covering the Super Six comprehension strategies this term and will continue to use them throughout the year. They are:
Making Connections
We looked at 'making predictions' today. This is a strategy that we have used since Kindergarten. Our teachers often asked us to predict what a story was about from the cover or what we think is going to happen next. We now have a word that explains a comprehension strategy that we've been already using for a long time. Today we made 'predictions' about an article after reading the title and sub-titles. We then had to read the article and see if our 'predictions' were accurate.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Mrs Taylor,
    Love the blog and reading your work. What brilliant fun you all seem to be having.
    I work for the Primary English Teaching Association Australia and we are producing a new book with Libby Gleeson and are looking for teachers who are sharing student work (specifically narrative writing) online in interesting ways.
    I am wondering if you would mind me sending your blog through to Libby for her to look at and contact you about participation in the book?


    Megan Gibson


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