Thursday 27 February 2014

Thursday's Projects Organisation

Today we've continued with our Aboriginal Artefact presentations. We are all learning so much. Well done 3/4T!

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Homework Projects

Homework projects have begun to come in this week. All of them have been absolutely fabulous! We've had the opportunity to learn about Aborigine humpies and a gunyah. We found out about Aboriginal art and their use of symbols when painting. We even had a dreamtime story and a museum curator visit with an interesting accent who told us all about hunting spears. I can't wait to see the rest as they come in over the next week.

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Comments on our Blog

We have been so lucky with people from around the world generously commenting on our posts and especially on our fabulous writing. Here is one from Mr Connor all the way from Derby in the UK!

Hi Jemma,
I would hate to get puzzlenoseitus! What are the symptoms? Is it contagious? I like the way you have written this - it has both humour and a serious side.
Great writing,
Mr Connor (Year 5 teacher - Derby, UK)

And here are a few from team 100 themselves!

HI Zac, I really enjoyed reading your submission for the 100 WC. You created a well constructed and descriptive piece of work. I am glad the mystery of the missing trailer was solved or was it??Very well done, keep up the good work!

Best wishes,
Saran (Team 100)

Kate, thank you for this piece for the 100WC. You have created a story with a dilemma - the Mayor and the Council want to give the people what they want, but where is the money coming from? I love the different ways that you have started your sentences but particularly like how you have used a time connective 'On a very hot day...' at the beginning. Adverbs such as 'excitedly' help the reader to build a picture as they read. To make your writing EVEN better, look again at the rules for writing speech especially capital letters and punctuation.I really enjoyed reading this and you should be very proud of your writing skills. Well done.Mrs Neale (Team 100WC)

And this one is from one of our class buddies. Here is a link to their class blog.

Hi Justin

We have read your story and some of our class have some comments.
Connor (Yr 3) - I thought the story was really good. I like how you said you were brave but then felt not so brave.
Finn (Yr 3) - I thought the story was very imaginative.
Jack (Yr 3) - I like stories with mystery in them and this story definitely had that.
Sophie (Yr 6) - I think your story was really good, but I think you needed to explain some things better as it was hard to make sense of everything.
Vince (Yr 3) - I thought the story was good. I liked when the door opened because it was mysterious how there was nobody there.
Will (Yr 6) - I think your story is good, but you could describe the treehouse more.
Ben (Yr 6) - I think your story built up well. But some things didn't quite make sense. For example you take hours climbing the tree then jump off the platform, how didn't you die?

These comments have given us a chance to discuss the art of giving feedback. What do positive comments look like? What can you say other than, 'that's cool' or 'I like that'? How can you be specific with your feedback?We are learning to look at our writing and that of others and critique it. Why do we like it? What part do we like? What did they do well? Do your spelling errors and grammar mistakes matter? Why? 

And that helps us to look closer at our own writing and ask questions of ourselves. Does my writing make sense? Is it interesting? Could I have used a better word? Have I used a common word like 'good' where I could have used something else? Do all my sentences have the same beginnings? Are my sentences all the same length?

We are enjoying our 100 Word Challenges and getting faster at planning our work and then writing interesting stories. I'm looking forward to reading some great persuasive texts tomorrow.

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Holly's Post

Yesterday and this morning we had reading groups and we were reading our books for ten minutes and then we did an activity. Today we learnt about summarising. With whiteboards we had to approximate or guess how long a centimetre was, 5cm and 10cm and draw them without a ruler. Then we had to write everything we knew about measurement. First I copied off of Mrs Taylor and then I did two by myself. Then we listened to our class novel, 'The Goat Who Sailed The World'. After that we had library. We got into our groups and we had to try and find everything we could about one explorer. For example, Dampier. Then we packed up and had a story.

Kye's Post

Our school is the best because ….It has LOTS of play area and it has 18 classes, one including my brother! It has a canteen with a LOAD of food! Because we are growing population we are building new buildings! We have an EPIC computer room where I am trying to create the next Facebook or google (joke). We have an EPIC library as well which is cool we have a lot of books with awards! Our school has a big sports field (the next upcoming play areas are all considered as, we have lots of play areas). On our sports field we have a basketball court a tone of grass (we might not have a tone of grass I’m not sure).We have cricket nets and we have FORTS a K-2 fort and a 3-6 fort but we also have a sports shed full of things like soccer balls and tiger tag equipment etc. On our non-sport grounds, we have a GIGANTIC asphalt an AWESOME dry creek bed with lots of stealth places to hide. We have a newcomb ball court and a lot of handball courts as well. Then we have a little walk way with four bushes surrounding it and they are stealth places to hide and on the path we sometimes play ice monsters on the sides there is yellow colourful rubber soft-fall-ground. Then next to the path there is the shade shelter where the K-2 eats. Last of all there is next to the canteen near the bins are seats and that’s where 3-6 eats.

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Jake's Post

Today we started the day with reading groups. We first talked about how to make connections with a book when we're reading it. Then we got split into our reading groups and read a book and we had to make connections with the book and ourselves. We then had to write it in our reading group books. After reading groups we came back to our class and did some grammar and finished ofg our 100WC. Then we had recess. After recess we went to computers and typed our 100WC and then we went back to class and talked about the European explorers like Torres, Dampier and Dartog. We listened to a rap of these explorers that was on our class blog. Then we worked in groups to read some more information about the explorers and make some notes. Then it was lunch. After lunch we finished of our European explorers and had to share something that we found out about them with the class. After that we played a game where we either had to multiply two numbers together or add two numbers together. Then we got our own dice and had to roll them to make 2, 3 or 4 digit numbers to add. Then we went home.

Monday 17 February 2014

European Explorers Rap

Here is a great youtube clip about some of the early Australian explorers in a rap.

Edith's Post

This morning my mum was rushing for breakfast and the bus was late when I got to school. I didn't have to get a late note Yeah! =D  I learned things like nouns and writing sentences with adjectives in them and also did some of our 100 Word Challenge. Then I had recess. After that I had Mrs Shannon and we learnt a rap and then Mrs Simon taught us about bus safety. This afternoon we listened to more of our class novel and also had to do some HSIE. Then we went home.

Friday 14 February 2014

Zac's Blog Post

In the morning we went to the computer room and finished off our power points we have been making about ourselves. Next we looked at our blog buddies on the internet. After that we watched BTN (Behind the News) which was about the first fleet of ships that came to Australia in 1788. Then it was recess. Yummy! Yummy! Yummy! After recess we had Mr Payne while Mrs Taylor did some other work (he is a casual teacher) like handwriting, reading our class novel and a little bit of maths before we made Valentines day cards with him because it is Valentines day. Later on we had lunch. Yummy, yummy in my tummy. After lunch some people went to PSSA, swimming or to studio fitness and everyone else went to home sport with Mrs Taylor.

Thursday 13 February 2014

Sienna's (3) Blog Post

We are learning about European explorers. Today we went to the library and looked at a map of where Europe, England, Indonesia and Australia are. We had to say where the Northern and Southern Hemispheres were and we needed to find the equator. I knew where the equator was because I have a globe at home and I have seen the line that says equator. We found out that the British wanted to make other countries their own so that they were more important.

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Oliver (4) 100WC

One day a new disease was found, it was getting worse by the day. So meetings were held across the country to find an answer. Doctors decided to make a wall between the healthy and the infected. There was also a part 2 to the plan. I part 2 of the plan the healthy would work on the cure. After 2 years the cure was created and doctors travelled to the other side of the wall to use the cure, but suprisingly it was deserted and wrecked. The doctors thought, "what happened here?" As they walked they heard strange noises then they saw a figure and heard a voice moan, "heeeelp."

Edward 100WC

You may be wondering what life was like before Tom, I and Kye  cam to stop all the alien invasions. Well this is the book for you! "Aliens are invading" was on the news once a month and Earth was perishing. So meetings were held across the country to find an anwer for some heros, then Kye, Tom and I volunteered. We were interviewed. First Tom...Tom, who likes guns, was very brave and bold. Next Kye...Kye who is fearless, strong was captured by an alien. Edward who is very smart, advanced with escaping. We got the job! Yes Yes Yes we got! BOOM!

Kye 100WC

14.7.444416161616 Kye Plague Virus Daily News. "A new virsu has spread...they're calling it, Kye Plague". Dnn Dnn Dnn!!!!!! 3.5 million are infected, 1 million are dead and ...2.5 million are ... zombies ahh here is one now." "Brains" "Ahh." BEEP. "Australian News connection lost!" The next day meetings were held across the country to find an answer. The best one was...GUNS! Then they got guns but by the time they did 15 of them were...ZOMBIES! "Aim and Fire!" Bang! BAnd! "Phew we got them." "Yay." Suddenly, "br.." suddenly "Brains!" 

Zac 100WC

Every Monday Scout meetings were held across the country to find an answer about what happened to the trailor that we leave in the backyard of the scout hall. Last Monday it was missing. Three months later a big blue ute came in to the Scout hall backyard and he came and dropped off the trailor so we figured out the answer to what happened to the missing trailer. He probably rented it.

Charlie 100WC

Once upon a time there was a very small island. There was a web that was hard, green and sticky. Ther person who found the web called it, "the living web". Then scientists found the web and then worked hard on the discovery. Meetings were held across the country to find an answer to the web. It was extremely bad for the web. Quickly he told others that the island was covered in a "living web". Then the web had reached its first continent which was Africa. Civillians in Cape Town started to stress because the living web was taking over the city. Lots of people were moving far away.

Kate 100WC

On a very hot day, everyone came together in a neighbourhood called Oak Hill. So they all came together to change the neighbourhood so they agreed to travel to the council to see the mayor so they made it to the council and saw the mayor. One person told the mayor, "could we be able to have a waterslide and golf course?". Another man told the mayor, " would we be able to put swimming pool as well". "Sure", the mayor said excitedly. But the mayor wasn't quite sure if he could pay that much money. So he thought and thought and thought, "alright" the mayor said. But meetings were held across the country to find an answer.

Lauren 100WC

'Ooooh - ooooh.' That was the noise that had been coming to our town eveyr night. "Nancy, time for dinner!" yelled mum. When I came in for dinner, I was looking thoughtful. "Are you alright darling?" said mum. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just thought that I should go and find out where that noise had been coming from." The next day was worse. Meetings were held across the country to find an answer. I decided to discover where the noise was coming from with my BFF, Lulu. She agreed to come. "What if we get lost?" whispered Lulu. We ran into the forest and we saw a ghost elephant.

Andreas 100WC

A man woke up early in the morning, he saw a weird floating white thing then it went throught the wall. He thought, was it my brother. He always said that when he died he would haunt him later. That evening he heard sounds. He told the council, meetings were held across the country to find an anwer. Then that afternoon his brother's ghost had a knife in its hand. He got out his sword and swung it. The knife flew and hit his dog. The dog died, know he was super angry. Then when he looked back he was gone.

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Emme's Blog Post

Today we did lots of things like our first reading groups. In reading groups we found out what the people in our group liked and what their favourite movie was. After reading groups we did some writing and then had recess. After recess we went to computers to finish our slide shows about ourselves. At lunch most of our class played forty-four homes. This is a game where someone counts to 44 and then people run off while the person who is in is counting to 44. There's a home where they count. You have to get to the home before they tip you. It's like hide and seek tips.

Jemma's 100WC Post

Puzzlenoseitus was spreading throughout Australia. So far all of the poor, innocent people of Western Australia had caught it. Puzzlenoseitus is when your nose becomes all itchy and you want to stretch it. Scientists have found out that it was caused by a girl in Perth who got an itchy nose when she started a puzzle. From there on it spread. Meetings were held across the country to find an answer. Luckily the girl who had started the puzzle had finshed it. Strangely puzzlenoseitus  stopped as soon as she put in the last piece of the puzzle in. Everyone was energetic. There was parties that continiued from 6pm - 4.30am at dawn.

Monday 10 February 2014

Oliver's Blog Post

Today we went to Drama with Miss Grant and played some games like 'make shapes with our bodies' eg.a bunch of flowers. We also played a game in which you have to remember three actions and pass them on like chinese whispers. After Drama we went to PDH (personal develoment and health), and there we learned about saftey and playground rules. Finally we went to lunch.

Friday 7 February 2014

Kate and Jemma's Blog Post

Today we did History about the First Fleet. Then we went to the computer lab and we created a slideshow about us for Mrs Taylor. After recess we went back to class and we finished off some previous work.

Thursday 6 February 2014

Thursday in 3/4 T

Today we had a very busy day in 3/4T. Have a look at some of the fabulous things we did. We had to start off the day of course by colouring in our names for our tubs. It's very important for us to know where our pencil cases are and identify out tote trays quickly, especially if Mrs Taylor's asked us to get something. The name tags were done with a very special font. You can see Mrs Taylor's name in the photo above.
After some time for our name tags we then learnt about the 100 word challenge that Mrs Taylor's signed our class up for. It's a great way to respond to some stimulus, which is not only great practice for the NAPLAN, but also a good way to entice the children into writing. Already we have talked about the sort of vocabulary we could use to make our writing more interesting and shared some of the words we used in the photo below.

Next we did some maths so that we could show Mrs Taylor what sort of strategies we know to help us subtract a two digit number from a two digit number. Lots of thinking went on with that. Some of us drew number lines, some used arrays or pictures and some broke up the numbers into tens and units. 
Before lunch we started an art activity to brighten up the walls on our classroom. Although it has been inspired by the artist Piet Mondrian, instead of flat colours we are choosing to use patterns to fill in the blocks.