Tuesday 25 February 2014

Comments on our Blog

We have been so lucky with people from around the world generously commenting on our posts and especially on our fabulous writing. Here is one from Mr Connor all the way from Derby in the UK!

Hi Jemma,
I would hate to get puzzlenoseitus! What are the symptoms? Is it contagious? I like the way you have written this - it has both humour and a serious side.
Great writing,
Mr Connor (Year 5 teacher - Derby, UK)

And here are a few from team 100 themselves!

HI Zac, I really enjoyed reading your submission for the 100 WC. You created a well constructed and descriptive piece of work. I am glad the mystery of the missing trailer was solved or was it??Very well done, keep up the good work!

Best wishes,
Saran (Team 100)

Kate, thank you for this piece for the 100WC. You have created a story with a dilemma - the Mayor and the Council want to give the people what they want, but where is the money coming from? I love the different ways that you have started your sentences but particularly like how you have used a time connective 'On a very hot day...' at the beginning. Adverbs such as 'excitedly' help the reader to build a picture as they read. To make your writing EVEN better, look again at the rules for writing speech especially capital letters and punctuation.I really enjoyed reading this and you should be very proud of your writing skills. Well done.Mrs Neale (Team 100WC)

And this one is from one of our class buddies. Here is a link to their class blog.

Hi Justin

We have read your story and some of our class have some comments.
Connor (Yr 3) - I thought the story was really good. I like how you said you were brave but then felt not so brave.
Finn (Yr 3) - I thought the story was very imaginative.
Jack (Yr 3) - I like stories with mystery in them and this story definitely had that.
Sophie (Yr 6) - I think your story was really good, but I think you needed to explain some things better as it was hard to make sense of everything.
Vince (Yr 3) - I thought the story was good. I liked when the door opened because it was mysterious how there was nobody there.
Will (Yr 6) - I think your story is good, but you could describe the treehouse more.
Ben (Yr 6) - I think your story built up well. But some things didn't quite make sense. For example you take hours climbing the tree then jump off the platform, how didn't you die?

These comments have given us a chance to discuss the art of giving feedback. What do positive comments look like? What can you say other than, 'that's cool' or 'I like that'? How can you be specific with your feedback?We are learning to look at our writing and that of others and critique it. Why do we like it? What part do we like? What did they do well? Do your spelling errors and grammar mistakes matter? Why? 

And that helps us to look closer at our own writing and ask questions of ourselves. Does my writing make sense? Is it interesting? Could I have used a better word? Have I used a common word like 'good' where I could have used something else? Do all my sentences have the same beginnings? Are my sentences all the same length?

We are enjoying our 100 Word Challenges and getting faster at planning our work and then writing interesting stories. I'm looking forward to reading some great persuasive texts tomorrow.

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