Tuesday 16 September 2014

Inferring, draft reports and Aboriginal Art...

Today we started with learning what 'inferring' means and how to 'infer' what is happening in an image. We looked at some images together with 4S and then we 'inferred' what was happening in them. The first image we looked at was the one with someone with sunburnt feet. We inferred that the person had forgotten to wear sunscreen while wearing thongs and was at the beach during the day. We took some discussion to work out why the feet were red and there was a few suggestions given such as, too tight footwear. We then did some ourselves. We had to look at the 'clues' or 'evidence' we could see in the picture that would help us work out what was going on.

After we had reading groups we began the draft of our information reports on an Australian animal. We could see what information we still needed to research and then during computer time most of us were able to complete our research and find some images to print for our published work. A lot of work goes into writing an information report!

After our whole school 'off site' evacuation drill we came back to do some art. We had started drawing some Aboriginal inspired drawings of an animal ready to copy onto 'scratch' board. This is board that can be pressed into with a pen and it leaves a mark. We will then roll paint onto our boards and create prints out of these pictures. They should look fabulous when they're finished!

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